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European Language Resource Infrastructure

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The main objective of the European Language Resources Infrastructure project is the provision of an infrastructure to help collect, prepare and share language resources that can in turn improve translation services. In particular, resources shared with the DGT will contribute to improve the EU automated translation services that are freely available to all public institutions.

The initiative notably addresses current issues related to sharing resources directly at the European
level or beyond, by providing national relay stations where resources remain under Member states’ laws and regulations until further clearance is negotiated and granted.

ELRI targets resources that are relevant to Digital Service Infrastructures and currently involves public institutions and public translation centres in France, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, with a future extension to additional member states as a key objective.

The benefits are:

  • The provision of separate data sharing layers ensures compliance with the relevant sharing restrictions at every step.
  •  Raw language resources are converted automatically into a format useful for translation experts and machine translation systems.
  •  Raw language resources are converted automatically into a format useful for translation experts as well as machine translation infrastructures.
  • Data sharing with ELRI provides broad compliance verication covering intellectual property rights, the Public Sector Information Directive and DSI-specic needs.
  • Language resources can be shared as deemed appropriate by stakeholders, with return benefits for providers as well as users of translation services.


The European Language Resources Infrastructure (ELRI) project is an initiative co-funded by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility programme, under Grant Agreement INEA/CEF/ICT/A2016/1330962. ELRI has a duration of 24 months and started in October 2017